Wednesday, September 30, 2015

How we see ourselves as Puerto Ricans

There seems to be different ideas within our island as to what is, inherently, being a Puerto Rican. This is due to the fact of the many influences our culture has received and is currently receiving. Spanish, African, Indian, and (most recently) American cultures have shaped the image of what the typical Puerto Rican is. We cannot deny, however, that the Caribbean has had a great influence on our identity also. So to me being a Puerto Rican is very similar to a traditional Puerto Rican dish: "Arroz con Pollo (Rice with chicken)." Aside from being a dish with a great array of complex flavors and textures, it is also a saying in Puerto Rico which suggests that something is very complex and confusing.

One thing that most Puerto Ricans would agree is that we love to party. There is always an excuse to celebrate something in our island. Our Christmases extend way beyond what a typical Christmas should because we celebrate: Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years celebration, Three Kings Day, " Fiestas de la Calle San Sebastian", "Octavitas and Octavonas". Right about mid-January we finish our festivities. Family gatherings during these periods have a list of some large requirements: Typical Food, Music (salsa "de la gorda", merengue), dominoes, and alcohol. Alcohol is very central of the Puerto Rican culture. our favorite drink is "Ron Caña" which would be more or less the equivalent to moonshine in the US, however, ours is made with fruit and it is left to cure for at least six months (this develops the flavor and overall texture)

The "Fiestas de la Calle San Sebastian" is a traditional festival in which the Puerto Rican culture is exposed and taken to its maximum expression. There are various cultural activities, artisan sculptures and art works, plena, bomba and reggaeton (nighttime mostly). The Old San Juan transforms into a cultural mecca during the weekend. You may find a Puerto Rican from every town this island has. We love them so much that we even make reservations in local hotels in anticipation to next year's festivities. In the picture below you can appreciate the typical " Cabezudos". These exaggerated masks depict different cultural personas from our island. They are seen walking up and down in the streets of Old San Juan; dancing.
Politics is a very big issue in Puerto Rico. There are three primordial parties: PNP, PPD, PIP; these parties have been around for most of our political history. Most recently new parties have formed because of the political bipartidism that occurs in every election for governor. The political rallies look like a music concert or a very large festival. It is sad to see many fanatical voters in this island, but, like it or not, they are a part of our culture and we must accept them. In order to progress as a nation we must assume the full responsibility of voting because it is a serious matter.
Puerto Rico is a potpourri of different cultures mixed with our own. This is the main reason people tend to fall in love with our island and our culture. We have something to offer to everyone. I have to say this has been one of my favorite posts. Aside from the fact that my blog is called Puerto Rican Winds, this post has served as a way to reflect upon what is means to be Puerto Rican.

I'll just leave below a picture of my favorite dish that I'm sure will leave most wanting to try it.

Journey Notebook


In my Journey Notebook there are various elements which can represent my inner and outer journey. On the frontal part of my notebook there are pictures which represent my outer journey. These are places that I hope to one day visit or I have already visited like Steps beach in Rincón, P.R. or Camp Nou in Barcelona, Spain. This is a place I have always wanted to visit because I'm a Barça fan. For me, reaching this stadium would be the pinnacle of my journey through sports all together.

Mi inner journey is located on the dorsal part of the notebook. this symbolizes that the inner self is not so clear and that one must go past the outer journey to reach the inner one. In here I've included various pictures because the inner workings of my mind are more complex. There are various pictures which depict human anatomy. These photos are included because of my passion: medicine. Since I want to become an excellent physician, I have included these photos to remind myself of what I want in the future (Caduceus, the left bottom image). Another photo shows a stairway which leads into light. This symbolizes two things: our spiritual realization and our quest for knowledge. Another picture shows eerie woods. These represent human mystery and  the fragile balance one must have in the mind.

Finally there is a picture which depicts a masonic stained glass with a lot of symbolism and various elements which have some meaning in our fraternity. This has been the best decision I have taken because through this fraternity I have grown personally, matured a lot and, overall, transformed into  a better self. These elements represent my mind; where ideas roam free and there is always a session in which there is a broad and open discussion between what I am thinking vs. what I'm doing. Of course I cannot talk and describe much of the imagery and symbolism of what you're about to see; I'm taking those to the grave.
As you can see there is a lot going on throughout my internal and external journeys. A very important aspect of each individual's journey is that it may change as you are treading through it. There are other pictures in my Journey Journal, but I just mentioned those that have the most meaning to me.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

What Dreams May Come


     "Memories, Dreams and Reflections" is an autobiographical book written by Carl Jung in which he reflects upon many of his travels, the experiences he lived during said travels, and the dreams which hold a deeper meaning to him. In Chapter IX he travels to many places including: North Africa and India. During these trips he was not a tourist in these countries; he reflected upon what he saw and tried to assimilate their culture (although he believes he is somewhat superior to the culture he sees). It is curious to see that these cultures had such a great impact on himself, to the point he had very vivid dreams about the places he visited. These dreams had meaning to him. They revealed his true feelings towards the cultures he met as he traveled.

 During his visit to India he compared many of the things he considered "European" in a totally alien nation. Although he received many surprises because he learned that the Indians are not as different as he thought from the Europeans. In one scene there is a depiction in which a pandit or guide, took Jung to a great temple. This temple had obscene stone sculptures which were ways to achieve spiritualization. The pandit wanted to tell him a secret and it turned out to be that he wanted Jung to know about the man's private parts in the stone sculptures. Sexuality is very present in both cultures

      I believe that if one makes a visit to a foreign land one should be a traveler not a tourist. A traveler grabs a better piece of the culture from the place he is visiting. He mingles with the locals and an exchange of culture occurs; one learns about the many things that make a country unique. This is more or less how I felt after I visited Cuba. I had the wonderful opportunity of visiting this beautiful country and sharing in the culture of the locals. I was six years old, but I remember it very clearly. I went to the "tabacalera" where cigars were made, "La Plaza de la Revolución" is a city plaza in which the Cuban revolution is commemorated, "El Malecón," and many other places. To this day I have the Cuban culture very present in my life. I'm sure there has been a trip in your life that you've adopted the culture of the nation.


Sunday, September 27, 2015

A Little About Myself

      My name is Rolando, I'm 21 years old and I'm currently studying at the University of Puerto Rico Río Piedras Campus as a Molecular Cellular Biology mayor and I plan to become a physician with a sub specialty in cardiology. I come all the way from Mayagüez, P.R. where I spent the majority of my life studying in my high school: the Academy of the Immaculate Conception. During this time I devoted myself to two things: schoolwork and sports. I knew that in order to be admitted into "Naturales"  my grades had to be top notch.

     I remember how great playing soccer was –I prefer the term "Fútbol", but that's a whole new post–
. Every time I stepped on the pitch, whether to train or to play, it was a place where my mind was free of care and responsibilities. I began when I was sixteen years old for the "Academia de Fútbol ALIANZA Indios Yagüez" (my soccer club's name). I played mostly defensive positions; we arrived 3rd place on the Metropolitan league as we lost that semi-final. Coming back from arriving last place on the league the season beforehand, I learned that perseverance, hard work, guts and discipline pay off; these lessons have stuck with me always and I use them everyday.

     After I graduated from high school I went to the UPR Río Piedras Campus. this was a whole new journey for me because it was similar to when you travel to foreign territory; you do not now anyone and you feel all alone. This was my reality for the first three months of my first semester, then had the chance to meet many friends and share in their stories, what they had to tell; their journeys sort of became woven into the fabrics of my journey.

As you may have noticed the title of this blog is Puerto Rican Winds. I chose this title because of my love for my country. Winds are a form of energy, they also are a symbol for hope and change. This is what I wish for my beautiful island.

     I will be sharing many things from my island and making parallelisms between them and the material discussed in class. All the best!